Driven by information technology, the digital economy has changed not only the means of production but also people's lifestyles. The Internet has driven a shift in consumption and service patterns, as well as generating new productivity. With the deepening of this new round of the industrial revolution, global interconnected wisdom will inevitably build a human society with common methods of production, resource pooling and wealth sharing.
Countries are becoming rivals in smart manufacturing. From the Industrial Internet of the United States to Industry 4.0 of Germany and China Manufacturing 2025, in the integrated development of industrialization and informationization, the trend is to intelligent manufacturing. On the one hand, intelligent manufacturing brings about the transformation and upgrading of industry from automation and mechanization to synergy and intelligence. On the other hand, it also brings a wide range of social changes and cultural transformations to global society. Worldwide interconnected intelligent manufacturing will support the global allocation of production resources and unify production equipment. From this emerges the sharing economy and a constant fracturing and reshaping of the order and balance of the world.
In such an unprecedented technological, cultural and social transitional stage in world development, we are pleased to announce a forum on ‘Digital Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing: Social Change and Cultural Transformation in the Global Society’, initiated by the Global China Academy, Lau China Institute, King’s College London, the China Media Center of the University of Westminster, and the Agile Think Tank,the executive body of the China Management Science Society (CMSS). As the Pre-Global China Dialogue V event it is hoped that it will serve as an important opportunity to gain cutting-edge information and insights into intelligent manufacturing in the digital economy era, and build a platform for smart sharing and resource cooperation for all who are interested in related fields.
Language English and Chinese
Chair Professor Xiangqun Chang, President of Global China Academy; Honorary Professor of University College London, UK
14:00-14:30 Registration
14:30-14:45 Opening speech
14:45-15:30 Panel I Digital Interconnection Age and Intelligent Manufacturing
Q & A and Discussion
15:30-16:15 Panel II Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Global Society
Q & A and Discussion
16:15-16:30 Closing speech
Related info
1. Global China Dialogue Website (English-Chinese)
2. Global China Dialogue V Webpage
3. Pre-Global China Dialogue V event Webpage
4. Post-Global China Dialogue V event Webpage
Contact Mr Yuyuan Zhang
语言 英汉双语
主持 常向群教授,全球中国学术院院长;伦敦大学学院荣誉教授
14:00-14:30 注册
14:30-14:45 开幕词: 5G,工业4.0和全球化:所有的联结——以德国汽车工业为例,费尔德曼(Jerome Feldman)先生,德国吉龙企业咨询公司总经理
14:45-15:30 版块一 数字互联时代和智造
15:30-16:15 版块二 全球社会变迁和文化转型
16:15-16:30 闭幕词:为什么其他国家害怕中国的IT革命?邓肯·巴特利特(Duncan Bartlett)先生,《亚洲事务》杂志编辑; 英国BBC世界服务世界商业报告的前主持人
1. 全球中国对话网站(英汉双语)
2. 第五届全球中国对话网页
3. 第五届全球中国对话会前论坛网页
4. 第五届全球中国对话会后论坛网页
联系 张育源先生
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