Happy Chinese New Year of the Pig!

image001_1Dear Global China Academy members, colleagues and friends,

As the Year of the Pig 2019 starts oinking, as usual it is our pleasure to send you our best wishes for the year and take the opportunity to give you an update on our situation and activities, with links to our websites. We hope that you will continue to lend us your valued support, interest and participation in our activities.

Aims: Global China Academy (GCI, an affiliate member of The Academy of Social Sciences, UK registered charity No.: 1154640) continues to pursue the aims of CCPN Global, which was founded four years ago, to promote the study of China in comparative perspective in all aspects, and to participate in the building and governance of a global society. As a bridge between China and the rest of world, the Chinese and the non-Chinese, GCI produces both global public good and public goods with the aim of serving all mankind.

Personnel: There are seven categories of people involved in the Global China Academy’s work: 1) outsource experts – in fields such as copy editing, proofreading, typesetting, graphic design, printing, website design and maintenance, legal advice, accounting and logistical arrangements for visitors, 2) staff, 3) Editorial Board, 4) International Consultants, 5) Academic Advisory Committee, 6) Interns and Trainees, and 7) members (about 5,000 signed up, currently non-paying). All the people who are listed in the links above work on a voluntary basis, some playing more than one role. Through them, the Institute interacts with a great number of research and academic institutions and other organizations around the world. Without them our work would not be possible. Last year, at the 5th Global China Dialogue held at the British Academy, we were very honoured that our guest Professor Lord Anthony Giddens presented letters of appointment as Honorary Presidents of the Global China Academy (GCI) to Professor Martin Albrow and Professor LI Qiang (accepted in his absence by Professor LIN Jian, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Renmin University of China). Mrs Ingrid Cranfield and Dr ZHANG Xiaodong received letters of appointment as Deputy Presidents of GCI; Mr. Philip Hao and Mr WANG Yigang as Deputy General Secretary of GCI and Chinese Director of the Global China Thinktank (GCT), respectively. This occasion was chaired by Professor Chris Hamnett of King’s College London (see photos below).


Structure: Global China Academy consists of CCPN Global, Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP), Global China Thinktank, Global China Dialogue, Global Century Press, Global China Social Enterprise, Global China Ecommerce, and Global China Ecommerce Platform, in the furtherance of its academic and social mission. These sections of the GCI also participate in different professional activities separately as independent brands. On the above occasion we also announced the establishment of two research centres. They are Learning without Borders Global Education Comparative Study Centre (LwB-GEx) and Himalayan Civilization Comparative Studies Centre (HCCSC). The two centre Directors, Mr. Philip Hao and Mr. WANG Yigang, respectively, spoke at the evening Reception at the UK Parliament.

Offices and facilities: Global China Academy is effectively a virtual academic community, as its operations are mainly internet-based, although its offices in London and Shanghai are shared with our partners. In order to comply with GDPR, all the websites, blogs (click each blogs from the top menu) and the ecommerce platform of Global China Academy have moved from a US host to a UK host. We have also upgraded our back-end system, replacing all links and dealing with other issues. The comprehensive update is expected to be completed in 2019. Your patience while these processes take place is much appreciated, and your comments and feedback are welcome. Thank you.

Work in progress: Through its English and Chinese bilingual websites, the only ones of their kind in the English-speaking world, and a global network of experts and professionals, we coordinate mainly five strands of work, described below.

1. CCPN Global mainly promotes ‘China and the Chinese in comparative perspective’, via a global network and a peer-reviewed journal. 1) The CCPN Global website provides resources related to China and the Chinese in comparative perspective. We will continue providing this service by updating the resources and also adding related work from China. 2) In light of our limited resources, in order to ensure the quality and sustainable development of knowledge products, the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (Chinese edition), Chinese for Social Sciences (CSS, in Chinese), Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (CACSS, in English), and Computational Social Science and China (CSSC, in English), will be produced biennially from now on. Following the research project on the status and prospects of the social sciences in the era of big data, funded by the China National Social Science Fund (NSSFC) in 2016, we have expanded cooperation with relevant research teams at Tsinghua University. 3) Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences (GCSS) is still our key project. Last year, at the London Book Fair, we launched China's Role in a Shared Human Future: Towards Theory for Global Leadership, by Martin Albrow (its Chinese edition will be published by The Commercial Press in 2019). We also published A Record of Launching Martin Albrow's book China’s Role in a Shared Human Future, edited by Xiangqun Chang and Costanza Pernigotti. Based on the media coverage, it recorded additional in-depth information on the theoretical and methodological implications of this book and the book launch event.

2. At the official launch of the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP) at the 2nd Global China Dialogue at the British Academy in 2015, Emeritus Professor Stephan Feuchtwang, of the London School of Economics and Political Science, sent a message saying, ‘I hope you will accept my congratulations to Xiangqun and all her co-workers in preparing and now publishing the new Journal of China in Comparative Perspective, which builds on my initiative at the LSE where I designed the still thriving Master’s degree on China in Comparative Perspective. The journal and the two book series are an amazing accomplishment, an entirely independent endeavour, and I hope that, given a secure base, they too will thrive.’ The ‘new JCCP’ that he mentioned had in fact not yet been fully developed as a separate entity from the ‘old JCCP’, which was prepared at the LSE with a large editorial board, academic committee and international advisory committee. We inherited these advisers together with proposed biannual journal. Last year, we learned that, in order for the journal to be indexed in the SSCI, each article needed to have a DOI and the quality of the journal had to be consistently high. The new JCCP has greatly expanded comparative studies with China in its content. In addition to the social scientific studies of China, we included humanity studies of China, Chinese people, civilization, culture, language and Chinese ways of thinking. The new JCCP has now changed to an annual journal and the changes are reflected in its updated web page. We have decided to considerably reduce the editorial and advisory team, which is inordinately large for a journal of this size and scope. However, we are very grateful to these scholars and experts for their support and encouragement over many years and we sincerely hope that they will continue to maintain their association with us and help as needed. We shall be writing shortly to all the current advisers individually to ask whether they wish to be part of a new editorial board.

3. Global Century Press remains the only publisher of bilingual publications from Chinese and non-Chinese perspectives on China and the world in a global context. GCP was proud to publish Martin Albrow’s book China's Role in a Shared Human Future: Towards Theory for Global Leadership. The impact of the launch was so great that we also produced a book about media coverage (see photo of the cover).

Despite changes in the leadership of China International Publishing Group (CIPG) and managers of its agents in the UK, as well as the president and editor-in-chief of New World Press, our collaboration has not been affected. The photos below are a testimony to our collaboration since 2013. In addition, we have also started working with Commercial Press.

4. As a knowledge-based thinktank for social consultancy in a global society, Global China Thinktank (GCT) mounted two forums with two partners last year. The first was a pre-China Global Dialogue event with the Agile Thinktank entitled ‘Digital Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing – Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Global Society’, held on 6th December 2018 at the University of Westminster. We believe that worldwide interconnected intelligent manufacturing will support the global allocation of production resources and standardize production equipment. Global interconnected wisdom will inevitably build a human society with common methods of production, resource pooling and wealth sharing. The global era is moving towards the digital age. From this emerges the sharing economy and a constant fracturing and reshaping of the world order.

Second, a post-Global China Dialogue event, in collaboration with the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), entitled ‘Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service for China and China in Comparative Studies’, was held on 8th December, as SOAS, University of London. With globalization, achievements in China studies around the world have lately attracted increasing attention. The forum involved leading Chinese academic publishers, librarians, scholars, study centres and internationally known social scientists, discussing how China’s academic publishing can gain international recognition, how China studies and comparative studies on China are developing in the world and digital solutions for knowledge management and academic collaboration. It is hoped this will make cross-faculty, cross-institute or even cross-country academic cooperation more effective, promoting and enhancing the influence of academic knowledge acquisition and dissemination.

5. The theme of the fifth Global China Dialogue was ‘global governance for justice’. This theme has gained in relevance as the world’s governance system comes under ever greater strain from national reactions to globalization. Justice is the taken-for-granted basis of human relations, from the personal to the global. It comes into sharp focus whenever they are disrupted and injustices come to light. This dialogue, in plenary sessions and in four panels – inclusion, environment, rights and conflicts – reviewed the basis for global governance and examined how China can contribute to a just global order. Nearly 100 speakers, academics, professionals, practitioners and officials, from Australia, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, the UK and the USA, participated in the GCD V at the British Academy on 7th December and an evening reception at the UK Parliament. The photos above left show most of the speakers at the GCD V: we sincerely apologize to those whose photos have not been included, owing to limited space, but they will be included together with their speech notes to be published in the GCD V proceedings in English and Chinese editions.

We are pleased to report that in the past year, thanks to all your support in the form of academic input, expertise, fees and subscriptions to our journal, Global China Academy is continuing to grow and thrive. If you are not yet a member but have an interest in studying China in a global context, exploring human society and working towards global governance, please click the link to find out more about the benefits of membership. Fees range from £18 to £38, depending on the type of membership you wish to take out. Thank you very much!

With warmest regards and best wishes for a very happy and prosperous Year of the Pig!


Professor Xiangqun Chang 常向群

President, Global China Academy; Honorary Professor of University College London, UK

Professor ZHANG Letian 张乐天

Chinese President, Global China Academy; Professor of Fudan University, China

Click HERE to download the greeting letter PDF




目标全球中国学术院 (公益组织注册号:1154640,英国社会科学院的成员单位) 在整合了全球中国比较研究会等资源以来,继续推动全方位地促进中国比较研究并参与全球社会的社会建设及其综合治理。作为中外沟通之桥梁,它生产全球性的公益事业和全球公共物品为全人类服务。

人员变动:全球中国学术院的人员包括七类:1)外包的专业人士,如审稿、文字加工或技术编辑、校对、排版、平面设计、印刷、网站设计和维护、法律咨询、财会、对访问者的后勤安排等领域,2)工作人员,3)编委会,4)国际顾问,5)学术咨询委员会,6)实习和培训人员,7)研究院会员(注册成员约5000,绝大多数尚未缴纳会员费),除了第一类人员之外,上述所有工作人员均为在志愿基础上兼职,有些人承担多个角色。通过他们,本院得以与全球各学术研究机构及其他组织开展广泛的交流于活动。我们研究院发展到今天要归功于大家。去年,在英国学术院举办的第五届全球中国对话活动中,我们荣幸地邀请到安东尼·吉登斯教授勋爵为马丁·阿尔布劳教授李强教授 (注:李强教授因故未能与会,由《中国人民大学学报》主编林坚教授代领) 颁发全球中国学术院的荣誉院长的聘书,增补英格丽·克兰菲尔德女士张晓东博士为副院长,聘任郝斐先生为全球中国学术院副秘书长、王一刚先生为全球中国智库中方主任。下图为英国伦敦国王学院克里斯·哈姆内特 (Chris Hamnett) 教授主持聘书颁发仪式。


办公室与设施:全球中国学术院在伦敦和上海的办公室均为与合作单位的共享资源,具体工作主要是基于互联网运作的。根据欧盟GDPR条款要求,中国全球研究院的所有网站博客(从顶栏目录进入各个博客) 和全球中国学术院的电商平台已经从美国主机转移到英国主机的迁移工作全部完成。我们的网站后台系统的全面升级也已告罄。但是由此导致替换全部链接和其他问题非常庞杂,将于今年完成。我们对您的耐心表示赞赏,欢迎您提出意见和反馈,谢谢!


1. 全球中国比较研究会主要通过全球网络和匿名评审的期刊来促进 “中国与华人比较视野”,主要表现在三个方面:1) 全球中国比较研究会进一步收集了中国比较研究的资源,并将继续更新这些资源,并增加来自中国的相关研究。2) 基于有限的资源,为了保证知识产品的质量和可持续发展,《中国比较研究》(中文版)《社科汉语研究》(中文版)《语料库与中国社会科学》(英文版)和《计算社会会科学与中国》(英文版)这4种辑刊均改为双年刊。继我们与武汉大学社会发展研究所合作开发的研究项目“大数据时代计算社会科学的出现、地位和前景”获得2016年中国国家社会科学基金 (NSSFC)资助后,我们在这一领域又与清华大学的相关研究团队扩大了合作。3)中国社会科学全球化 (GCSS)仍然是我们的重点项目,去年在伦敦书展推出了马丁·阿尔布劳的著作《中国在人类命运共同体中的角色——走向未来领导理论》,引起了较大反响。后来,又出版了常向群和裴可诗主编的《马丁·阿尔布劳<中国在人类命运共同体中的角色>新书发布纪实》,在媒体报道的基础上强调了这本书和这次活动的理论和方法论意义。

2. 2015年在英国学术院发布《中国比较研究》正式创刊时,伦敦经济学院王斯福(Stephan Feuchtwang)教授在的贺词中说:“我希望你们接受我对向群和所有共同工作者们为准备和出版新版《中国比较研究》期刊的祝贺,它是建立在我在伦敦经济学院创立的、仍然生机勃勃的‘中国比较研究’硕士项目基础上的。本期刊和这两套丛书的出版是一个了不起的成就,他们完全是独立制作的成果,我相信在获得经济保障的基础上它们也将茁壮成长。”他当时说的“新版”还没有从我们在伦敦经济学院的筹办的“旧版”中完全脱胎出来。那时,我们继承了在伦敦经济学院筹办此刊时建立的庞大的编委会、学术委员会和国际顾问委员会,以及出版半年刊的建制。去年,在筹备申请此刊被列入SSCI期刊的过程中,我们发现,除了每篇文章有了 DOI号,还需要进一步努力,在确保其高质量基础上扩大其影响。新版《中国比较研究》沿用此刊的刊名,并对中国比较研究的内涵做了拓展,除了对中国的社会科学的研究,我们的比较研究还包括对中国的人文科学的研究,涵盖对中国人、中国文明与文化艺术、中国语言以及中国人的思维方式等;新版不仅将此刊改为年刊并已在期刊的网站做了更新,最重要的是还将对编辑团队做大幅度的缩减。我们非常感谢这些学者和专家们长期以来对我们的支持和鼓励,我们真诚地希望得到他们一如既往地帮助,他们的名字无论以什么方式出现或不出现在期刊里,我们都将永远地记住他们。同时我们将向现有的专家学者顾问们写信,征求其意见尽快组建新的编委会。

3. 环球世纪出版社仍然是世界上唯一的专注于出版中国比较研究以及在全球语境下对世界和人类知识研究的中华视野,以及对中国研究的非中华视野的出版社。去年,我们出版了马丁·阿尔布劳的著作《中国在人类命运共同体中的角色——走向未来领导理论》一书(其中文版将于商务印书馆2019年推出),其媒体影响之大,以至于汇编成册(见上图)。


4. 作为以中国和华人以及与其他国家和地区做比较研究的知识资源为基础的社会顾问(social consultancy) 的全球中国智库,去年与两个合作单位开发了两项活动。其一,与中国敏捷智库合作于12月6日在威斯敏斯特大学举办的全球中国对话前论坛:“数字互联和智造——全球社会变迁和文化转型”。我们相信,全球互联的智能制造,将支撑全球统一配置生产资源,统一调度生产装置,由此社会经济形态也将进入共享经济,再到共同生产历程的重要转变,全球时代正在向数字时代发展,世界的秩序和均衡必将会不断地被打破和重塑,势必构建起一个共同生产、资源统筹、共享财富的人类社会。


5. 去年,第五届全球中国对话的主题是“全球正义治理”。随着各国对全球化的反应,世界治理体系受到的压力的增大,它更为相关。无论是从个人还是到全球层面,正义被视为理所当然的人类关系的基础。只要和谐的关系被打乱或者出现不公正现象,都会成为人们的关注点。 这次对话在审视全球治理的基础上并通过包容,环境,权利和冲突四个包块研究中国如何为全球秩序做出贡献。来自澳大利亚、捷克、德国、英国和美国的近百名嘉宾,包括学者、专家、专业和从业人士以及官员政要于12月6日在英国学术院参与了对话活动,部分嘉宾还在议会大厦举办的招待会继续交流。







全球中国学术院院长; 英国伦敦大学学院荣誉教授


全球中国学术院中方院长; 中国复旦大学教授


Highlights 关注 Photo report: the 6th Global China Dialogue (GCD VI) Governance for World Peace 图片报道: 第六届全球中国对话 ——世界和平治理 Call for Participants to The 6th Global China Dialogue (GCD VI) Governance for World Peace 会议邀请: 第六届全球中国对话 ——世界和平治理 Photo report - China through British eyes: launch of new books and donation of books 图片报道——英国人眼里的中国: 新书发布和赠书仪式 Photo report: Agreement-signing ceremony and launch of English edition of China’s Role in a Shared Human Future at the London Book Fair 图片报道《中国在人类命运共同体中的角色》 ​合作出版签约仪式在伦敦书展举办 Happy Chinese New Year of the Pig! 恭贺各位2019猪年新禧! Digital Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing — Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Global Society (Pre-GCD Forum) 数字互联和智造论坛——全球社会变迁和文化转型(对话前论坛) The 5th Global China Dialogue (GCD V): Governance for Global Justice 第五届全球中国对话:全球正义治理通知 Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service for China and China in Comparative Studies (Post-GCD forum) 中国及中国比较研究学术出版与知识服务论坛(对话后论坛) Call for Participants to The 4th Global China Dialogue (GCD IV) The Belt and Road (B&R) -- Transcultural collaborations for shared goals 会议通知: 第四届全球中国对话 ——一带一路——为了共同目标的转文化合作 Pre-Dialogue symposium - Globalization of Chinese social sciences 对话前活动 - 中国社会科学全球化研讨会
The websites and blogs are in use while they are being built 本网站和博客均在'边建设边使用' 中

The above title is adapted from the China's development style in order for you to share our resources in a timely fashion. There is still a huge amount of work to be done. Your understanding, participation and generous support are highly appreciated!

为了与您及时分享我们的资源, 我们采纳中国发展的'边建设边使用'的做法,尚有大量的工作待做, 真诚地感谢您的理解、参与和慷慨赞助!

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Affiliate member of the Academy of Social Sciences 英国社科院成员单位


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